Top 10 Benefits of oiling hair regularly

Benefits of Oiling Hair Regularly

Every day for an hour, my grandmother used to oil and comb her hair. She had black hair up till she said us goodbye at age 87, which is amazing. You must also have observed your mother and grandma regularly using hair oil. Everyone has at some point heard about the fantastic advantages of hair oil from their mother or grandmother. The same solution applies to damaged ends, frizzy hair, and stress relief: oiling. Here is the answer to the question, Does using hair oil still have benefits? Lets see top benefits of oiling hair regularly. 

Benefits of oiling hair regularly:

There are many benefits of oiling hair regularly. Below top 10 benefits are listed.

1. Promotes healthy scalp:

If you have healthy scalp then of course you are going to have healthy hair. But sometimes using some products make your hair look healthier but that’s not mean that you have a healthy scalp. That is just a limited time effect of products. 

According to a recent study coconut oil is helpful in maintaining a healthy scalp and in modulating the scalp microbiome. It is because it can deliver essential amino acids & vitamins your head needs to grow strong hair. This can also prevent dandruff.

2. Prevents hair fall:

Oil can prevent hair fall and promotes hair growth. Whether you have hair fall problems or not, using hair oil once a week is very beneficial. Hair oil massage can clean up the dead skin, nourishes and revitalizes fine hair, and exfoliates the scalp. All these prevent hair fall and promote healthy hair growth. 

3. Releases stress:

Hair oil massage can be helpful in stress relief. When you apply hair oil and take some massage it instantly releases stress and makes you feel better. Massage stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and because of this we feel calm and relaxed. Regular head massage with oil can be a good stress relief routine. 

Taking a head massage by yourself is also good but a head massage from a professional is best. But if you can not do that regularly.You can get a head massage from anyone in family or friends. Because when we take a massage from someone else it is very much effective. 

4. Prevents Dryness:

Regular hair oiling prevents hair from dryness as regular oiling can keep your hair nourished for longer. Best time to apply hair oil is before sleeping and washing it in the morning. If not possible to keep hair oil overnight at least 1 to 2 hours before hair wash is mandatory to get desired results. One more benefit of regular hair oiling is it prevents harsh heating conditions as oil acts as a coolant. 

5. Stimulates hair growth:

Regular massage using hair oil can stimulate hair growth. Because the massage stimulates blood circulation on the scalp which can help to bring nutrients to the scalp and ultimately it nourishes the hair which results in healthy scalp and hair growth. Stress is also one of the causes of hail fall so oil can release stress and make you feel relaxed and prevent hair fall. 

6. Reduces risk of lice:

Dry and flaky scalp attracts the Lice. Also the bacteria caused by dead skin can attract them. Oil can exfoliate the scalp, reduce dead skin and also oil prevents dryness. Few hair oils like olive oil have antibacterial properties which can prevent lice. 

7. It Revitalizes hair tissues:

No matter how good shampoo or hair conditioner you are using, it can not penetrate deep inside the skin. On the other hand any hair oil you use can go deep inside the skin and revitalize the hair tissues. This can result in many ways hair growth, hair glow, improves scalp health and many more. 

8. Can hydrate the hair:

If you want the silky, waterfall-like hair then hydration is something hair needs. Regular hair oiling can keep your hair well moisturized. Some oils like castor oil, olive oil, almond oil are rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. These are able to create physical barriers around the hair cells resulting in prevention of moisture loss and keep your hair hydrated. 

9. Protects from fungal infections:

Many oils have antifungal properties. These properties help keep fungus growth away and prevent fungal infections. Excess moisture causes fungal infections, regular hair oiling and shampooing can help to balance the moisture level on the scalp.

10. Oils provide natural UV protection:

Botanical oils contain plant phenols which have the ability to prevent and also even can reverse the harmful effect of UV radiation on hair and skin. Some plant oils can give 30% more protection than bare skin or hair. 



How to properly oil your hair?

Massaging your scalp regularly with hair oil is good for your hair health as it improves blood circulation. 

Follow below steps to properly oil your hair:

  • Pore oil on scalp or use cotton to apply oil on scalp
  • Massage using fingertips in circular motion
  • Cover with towel or shower cap and leave overnight or at least 2 to 3 hours
  • Next day wash hair using shampoo

Which oil is best for oiling my hair?

Which hair oil to use is mostly dependent upon your choice and availability. Before using any oil the patch test is recommended. In many cases the best oil for your hair might be extra virgin almond oil but this is very expensive. Another best option is extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil.

Is it good to oil hair everyday?

According to Ayurveda, oiling everyday is good. But mostly this is dependent upon the hair type you have. If you have very dry hair it’s good to apply hair oil on a daily basis. For all other hair types you can apply oil a night before hair wash or 2 to 3 hours before hair wash. 

Does regular hair oiling cause hair fall?

It is dependent on the hair type you have as we have seen if you have extremely dry hair daily hair oiling can help. It can hydrate hair and maintain moisture. But for all other hair types keeping too much oil on hair for more than 24 hours can accumulate dirt and which many result in hair fall,

Image Credit: Image by Valuavitaly

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